Packshot People Blog

Trends in Photography

Posted by Ryan Watts on 05/10/2012

Successful photography can often depend upon understanding current cultural trends. These trends, of course, are fluid, and change over time in line with fashion styles and technological advances.

At the moment, flat, natural lighting is proving popular with some clients. This can lend a sense of honesty to a shoot, providing a casual feel which can be as effective and striking as any other style of photography.

Our photographs, which are sold through Getty Images, aim to tap in to popular ideas, and so we recently organised a shoot around the theme of glamping - which, for the benefit of the uninitiated, is glamorous camping. Glamping involves hiring semi-permanent structures, such as yurts, which are equipped with many of the amenities of luxury homes or hotels. In this shoot, we aimed to portray the possibilities of a glamping holiday, with fine dining, a camp fire, walking and lounging around a woodburner inside a yurt. All of which appears more believable due to the style of lighting we used.

More photographs from this shoot can be viewed in the accompanying case study.


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